terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010

Outcome #3: The videoclip

This is a promotional clip which contains an overview of the project activities and aims, made by students and teachers involved in the partnership. It focuses mostly on the mobilities, for these are the moments when the people involved dedicated most of their time to the partnership. The English subtitles help the dissemination of the main ideas underlying the project through the web.

Outcome #2: The 'eco-school' logos

DISCLAIMER: The 'eco-escola' and 'eco-lycée' labels are exclusive responsibility of the schools which carried out the project and refer only to an internal classification within those schools. There is absolutely no intended connection to external or official labels/classifications.

Outcome #1c: Keyboard recycling leaflet

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Outcome #1b: Mouse recycling leaflet

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Outcome #1a: TV set recycling leaflet

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sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010

DAY 12: Departure

quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010

segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010

DAY 08: Workshop

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

DAYS 06-07: Weekend

Free time to get to know a bit more of the beautiful surroundings of Lisbon and strengthen the relationships with the partners and their families.

sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

DAY 05: Visit to Legrand

On the last day of week one we visited Legrand, one of the largest international manufacturers of electrical structures and information technology for buildings, located in Oeiras. There we had the opportunity to see the manufacturing processes and the assembly lines of switches, commuters, outlets and many other electrical devices.

quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010

DAY 04: Belém and the Portuguese discoveries + Museum of Electricity

The day was grey, but that was no excuse to miss the opportunity to learn something about one of the greatest periods in the Portuguese history - the maritime discoveries. The area of Belém, in Lisbon, has got lots of landmarks and monuments that provide the perfect setting for a live history lesson: from the gothic Monastry of Jerónimos to the Monument of the Discoveries, a ship-like building built in 1940 on the occasion of the Portuguese World Fair in 1940, the places spoke for themselves!

In the afternoon we visited the Museum of Electricity, located in a fabulous building (a majestic 19th-century electrical power plant in Belém), where the students learned a little about the history of electrical power and carried out several practical experiments on these technologies.

quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2010

DAY 03: Field trip to Visionarium

The third day of the mobility was fully dedicated to a field trip to the Visionarium, a science museum located near Porto. There, the students engaged into a "rallye paper", a sort of a treasure hunt game where they had to find out in each of the museum rooms the answers to some tricky questions about physics or maths. The winner team received a science encyclopaedia as reward for their brillance... but they were generous enough to donate it to the school!

terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010

DAY 02: Traditional games and sports + Workshop

The first morning of the programme was dedicated to team-building and bonding activities. There were team sports - basketball, handball, volleyball and football - but also traditional games such as tug-of-war, mikado or egg and spoon race, which provided very funny and entertaining moments.

The afternoon started with a visit to the school premises, where the French students had the opportunity to see some of the school technical areas - video, multimedia, telecommunications, computung equipment management, 3D digital design, graphic design and graphic arts (on the left you can see graphic arts students on a serigraphy workshop).

After watching other people working (!), it was time to start our own work and practice the dismantling of computers, which the students did with distinction.

segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010

DAY 01: Arrival in Lisbon and reception at school

After an eventful arrival at the Lisbon Airport - two French students had their luggage lost on the way - there was a meeting at Val do Rio with the host families to welcome the French guests and make the matching of Portuguese-French students. The real action would only start the following day...

quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010


click on the image to enlarge


click on the image to enlarge

segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010

We're skyping together!

The videocall remote communication between the Marcel Callo and Val do Rio students has finally begun.

Each school has devoted one weekly hour (Fridays at 11.00 GMT) to be in touch with their counterpart and discuss the progress of the project activities.

The idea is to create a routine where they get used to and comfortable with informal oral reports in English. Last Friday's trial was a success and the students were quite happy to see their friends again. See you next Friday, partners!

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

Escola Electrão: Switch Off Session

The Switch Off Session took place on 5 June - World Environment Day.

This event was the closing of the first edition of Escola Electrão (see previous posts here and here), and it was held at the Pavilhão Atlântico, in Lisbon. Besides the illustrous presence of figures like the Portuguese Secretary of State for the Environment - Mr. Humberto Rosa - the session was attended by hundreds of students and teachers and was hosted by the well-known TV celebrity Sofia Carvalho. The highlight of the session was the disclosure of the winning schools that collected most electric and electronic equipment waste: 1.164.783 kg of waste were collected, an average of 2.820 kg per school and 4,09 kg per student. Considering that the goal for this kind of waste recycling is 4 kg/person/year we can conclude that on average the students involved reached this figure in only 6 days!
Escola Profissional Val do Rio managed to collect approximately 6.200 kg, a figure that is pretty much above the average, although (unfortunately) it wasn't enough to get one of the 16 top prizes. Our school was represented in the event by two of the project coordinators - Cláudio Gonçalves and Vasco Corisco - and a member of the school direction - Pedro Rebelo. Above are some photos of the event.